Windows 10

Windows 10 is here and Microsoft wants you to upgrade for free.   It turns out that just like Google; Microsoft found that making money off advertising and information collecting is a better route.   Google does this through a search engine but Microsoft is now doing it through their operating system.

There are some fundamental breaking points that can be encountered during installation:

  1. Software compatibility.  Some of your older (and newer) software just won’t run in Windows 10.
  2. Network compatibility.  If you blindly install Windows 10 using all the defaults it will create a login to their servers over the internet and not to your local machines.  This works for a single computer but if you have computers that are networked and the upgrade is installed incorrectly you may be in trouble.  In addition, using the defaults may cause some privacy issues.  If you are mobile from computer to computer and want all your personal settings to tag along everywhere you go, this is a great help.  It isn’t so good for people who want to keep their privacy.  All your personal settings including their login information is stored with Microsoft.
  3. Hardware compatibility.  Printers are the most affected by this because Microsoft is implementing a universal printing mechanism that will require all printers to ultimately print through Windows instead of allowing printer manufacturers to use specific drivers.  This is actually a good thing.  If you have ever tried using multiple printers you will understand.  Also some manufacturers do not always make the most compatible drivers. However, depending on the printer, you may need to purchase a replacement.  This is not limited to printers unfortunately.  There is a lot of hardware that simply will not work with Windows 10.


There are still two things to consider when upgrading to Windows 10.

1. Is my hardware compatible?
2. Is my software compatible?

There is a simple way to answer both of these questions with a fairly good degree of accuracy.  The Windows 8 compatibility tool will do most of the work for you.  Although there is not one for Windows 10 the Windows 8 version works quite well.  If it will work with Windows it will also work for Windows 10.   Although there are some specialized packages that need to be considered on a case by case basis.

Get Windows Compatibility Tool Here



Cortana / Bing:

When you use the default search in Windows 10, everything you do is sent to Microsoft Bing.  Yes, we are talking about the default search that you use to find files and programs normally on your computer.   Microsoft has changed the search parameters to automatically include the web.

On the plus side this will expand things you can search on.

On the minus side this may give you too many results and obscure what you are really looking for.

But, in either case, any searches you do, whether for personal files or not, your search is recorded at Bing and your history is forever documented on the internet.



Microsoft has extended the abilities of it’s WiFi service to what they call “WiFi Sense”.  For all intensive purposes this should work for most people very well.   It allows Windows to memorize WiFi hot spots and use them wherever you go.  It also gives you the option to share your internet connection with your friends.  The downside here is again privacy.  The way Microsoft finds your friends is to look through your Outlook/, Skype and Facebook accounts to determine who your friends are.   The only service that they request information from is Facebook because they own the other two services so they are automatic.

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